Tuesday, March 15, 2016


Mar 13

Today we were in Bali, a very different interesting island.
The dominant religion in Indonesia is Muslin, except for
the island of Bali. It is 90 % Hindu. Several years ago we
had a professor from Furman who was expert on many
religions. He gave several presentations on Hindu and I
never could understand it. I still can’t.
Our guide was Hindu
and he told us a lot about it. Polygamy is OK (He has only
one wife), there is a 4 piece caste system (he is lowest
level). After girls have first menstrual period they are
carried on a ? on shoulders of several men. They wear
their best dress.

At the mother temple we visited we saw many
worshippers bringing offerings to their god (gods)?
I won’t pretend to understand.

As we drove through several villages we saw
many, many shrines. Apparently there is at least
one per family and they are together because
they must face same direction. Some were much
more elaborate than others. I don’t know why
but maybe it was caste system.

As we have done several times in the past, we
stumbled on to a wedding.

Foster takes most of the pictures because I have
trouble seeing the pictures on the screen if
there is too much light. He took over 150
pictures here and they were some of the best
he has taken. Unfortunately I have none of the
villages and many shrines.





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