Friday, April 22, 2016


Apr 22

Our last stop in Japan was Kushiiro. We took a
walk along the boardwalk and stopped at a
Visitors Center which had lots of activities.

I had my name written in Japanese. There was
origami but after my previous experience
on the Kyoto/Kobe bus) I skipped that.

I had a wonderful time being dressed in a
kimono. The pictures definitely showed my
bad side. The ladies doing the dressing and
undressing are going to be worn out by
day’s end.

Our guide in Kobe told us there were kimono
rental shops that ladies used. There are
probably not a lot of people who know how
to put one on, especially the obi(?) which
looks like an extra long table runner. Can
you imagine trying to tie that. And I thought
a sari would be difficult to put on.
I didn’t try to get Foster to try
one but have a couple of pictures of a
man trying one.

I‘m extremely disappointed I failed to buy
a doll in Nagasaki. I thought I would have
many more opportunities but there have
been none in the last few ports. I must
learn to buy at first port just in case I
cannot find again.



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